Rules Regarding Leave and Attendance
Rules Regarding Leave and Attendance
- In case of sickness for any period of time, leave letter to be sent to class teacher and a medical certificate must be attached with the leave application.
- Student suffering from infectious diseases such as Chicken Pox, Cholera, Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough, Swine Flu and Jaundice must observe the prescribed period of Quarantine, and on returning to school, should produce a fitness certificate permitting him/her to do so.
- When students take short leave ( a day or two) they should submit their leave letter either before they leave or on the same day before the attendance call. Leave letter submitted after the time - limit specified or on the day of rejoining will not be accepted.
- If leave is claimed for more than three days on account of illness, a medical certificate must be attached with the application. If leave is required for reasons other than sickness, sufficient proof must be produced.
- Absenting oneself during the test without prior permission will be viewed very seriously. Leave letters and medical certificate offered as excuse will not be accepted. Retests will not be conducted.
- Students who obtain 100% attendance will be suitably rewarded.
- The school is not responsible for the loss of leave letters sent through friends, relatives, drivers, conductors etc.
- Prior permission must be taken from the Principal concerned for leave reasons, other than taken on medical grounds.
- One day leave can be sanctioned by the teachers, more than one day of leave can be sanctioned by the Principal.
- Any pupil who plays truant will be dismissed.